Border protest

Protesters gather near the Peace Bridge to call for an end to vaccine mandates and a lifting of restrictions to cross the United States-Canada border, Sunday, Feb. 13, 2022. (Derek Gee / Buffalo News)

More than 100 people, many clutching flags and signs, gathered for a second day at a small park near the Peace Bridge to support truck convoys protesting Covid-19 mandates at key U.S.-Canada international crossings.

Unlike the Canadian protests, no heavy trucks were visible nearly two hours into the rally at Pat Sole Park, near the Buffalo end of the bridge.

Hundreds express solidarity with Canadian truckers in Peace Bridge protest

Protesters gathered Saturday at the border spanned by the Peace Bridge to echo the continuing backlash against Covid-19 mandates across Canada in Ottawa and at key international crossings.

Protesters waved to people driving by on Niagara Street and hoisted signs opposing vaccine and mask mandates in New York State. It was the second day of protests near the U.S. entrance to the Peace Bridge.

Speakers who gathered in the park called for lifting restrictions to cross the United States-Canada border and ending vaccine mandates.

Canadian police on Sunday reopened the Ambassador Bridge at Detroit-Windsor after it was closed down for six days by a convoy of truck drivers. Several people were arrested as police cleared the vehicles.

Mark Sommer covers preservation, development, the waterfront, culture and more. He's also a former arts editor at The News.